
CGBS Faculty Research Grants


The Center for Global Back Studies offers faculty summer research grants that provide funding for interdisciplinary studies on all themes and topics related to Black populations in America and across the world.   

The CGBS Summer Research Grants are open to all full-time faculty members of the University of Miami including faculty affiliates of the Center. The grants include pre-tenure awards to support the first book/major project toward tenure and awards to tenured faculty to support progress toward full professor review. Preference will be given for collaborative projects among faculty and those which include student assistants.

To apply, faculty members should submit a short proposal of the summer research project (3 - 4 pages), that includes:


  • a statement on how this project relates to your overall research program and publication plans.
  • amount requested (itemized budget and rationale).
  • research itinerary
  • CV (no more than 3 pages)
  • the proposal must be addressed to interdisciplinary readers

Application Submission

To apply, applicants should upload all required documents as a single file on or before March 25, 2024 


Please ensure the file is saved with your full name (first and last ex: John Johnson CGBS Faculty Grant application).


Selection Process:
CGBS will constitute an interdisciplinary committee with expertise in African/Africana/African Diaspora Studies from across the University to review applications. The committee will review proposals and select awardees.  The grants awarded are determined by the funds available. CGBS will inform applicants of the committee's decision in June 2024.  


For questions and additional information, please email globalblackstudies@miami.edu 
